November 26, 2012

Waiting for the snow

This autumn I've discovered IKEA's lingonberry concentrate (basically it's just juice preserved with sugar). They suggest mixing it with water, but I've been adding a little to my usual black tea, and it's perfect for it - a little sour, but not too much, with nice berry touch. I've ran out of it already, I wish IKEA wasn't that far away from me. You can see the bootle in the background.
I've collected some maple leaves again, to dry them between the pages of big books. Wish they've stayed that bright as they once were.

November 5, 2012

Under this weather

It feels like I'm slipping into winter hibernation.. It's been snowing already in the end of October, and though everything melted down, the weather is cold, most of the time it's cloudy. Sometimes it rains, and I feel drowsy, so I turn the light on even during the day, trying to get away from this dullness outside. It always feels like winter came too early, but perhaps I just don't remember which time it starts usually. It's just sad to think that there are at least four months of grey, cold and depressing weather.

I just want to hole up in a warm blanket on my couch, watching movies, drinking tea and dreaming, without feeling lonely and sad.